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Our boat, version 2011

(Header picture taken at Norris Lake, TN July 2011)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Halloween 2009

Trick-or-treat was a lot of fun for us this year, but it was an exhausting night as well. Despite all the excitement and anticipation this year, Chloe sort of lost interest after just about 10 houses. That's about the time when Drew just started to figure out how fun it was to hold out a bucket and have people put stuff in it--and he started to really get into it. He could have kept going all night if not for his big sister practically begging to go home!

Back at home, Drew got his first taste of candy---and I think it's safe to say that he is a fan for life. He physically tackled anyone and everyone who stood in the way of him getting another piece--and let me just say that we paid the price with some pretty awful diapers! But he also had so much fun handing out candy--the scary costumes didn't even phase him, he was so happy to put candy in buckets--it was so fun for us to watch. The next day can only be described as Halloween Hangover in our house as the kids crashed from their candy highs---but it was worth it for the laughs we had!

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