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Our boat, version 2011

(Header picture taken at Norris Lake, TN July 2011)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Dollhouse: Hours 1-3

When we decided to buy a dollhouse kit for Chloe's big present from Santa this year (ok, ok, when I BEGGED Brian to buy this dollhouse kit for Chloe's big present from Santa), we knew it was going to be a lot of work from the looks of the house on the box. But it wasn't until I heard Brian laughing out loud when he read the first sentence of the instruction book...this dollhouse will take approx. 30 HOURS to build...did I realize that we were really in trouble!! We are now 3 hours into the project and we've successfully unloaded the millions of pieces in the box and checked them off to the parts list (the instructions say this is actually the most important step), and we've bought the supplies we needed--so much for the box saying that everything you need is included!! In case you can't tell from the pictures, NOTHING is painted, there are over 1,000 shingles and 200 spindles for the porches, and there is WAY more than 30 hours worth of work here! Any guesses on what the final tally will be? Any guesses on what the final number of beers that Brian will consume during the project will be?? :)

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