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Our boat, version 2011

(Header picture taken at Norris Lake, TN July 2011)

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Norris 2011 (post 3)

Norris 2011 (post 2)

It took a few days to convince the kids to jump off just the platform...but once they finally did, they realized how much fun it was and then they were jumping fools! Drew's favorite quickly became jumping off the top of the boat--and saying in his best Buzz Lightyear voice, "To Infinity and Beyond!"

Norris 2011 (post 1)

Too many pictures for just one post! We had a great time as always!

Chloe's Curls

Although our plan to avoid sibling jealousy at Drew's party back-fired completely (Chloe was a total mess the whole time Drew was getting any sort of attention), it was definitely cute to see her in her consolidation-birthday present hair curlers. And she was so excited for the end result the next morning!

Drew's 3rd Birthday

Drew is so happy to finally be a "big boy" now that he is three!

Cumberland 2011

The kids had a blast with the Kuenning family at Lake Cumerland this summer--Chloe's best progress of skis for the year so far was when she was in the water with Mrs. Kuenning!

Chloe's 5th Birthday

Catching up on a few pics from the summer--here are some of my favorite's from Chloe's 5th birthday party! She loved being the star of the show!