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Our boat, version 2011

(Header picture taken at Norris Lake, TN July 2011)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Drew is 6 Months!

I know it is cliche is say how fast time flies, but when you are referring to the time that your second child is a little baby, that saying is definitely true. We just can't believe that our little baby Drew is now getting so big...we've even stopped calling him "baby Drew" most of the time--now he's just our "Drew-man". He loves to sit all by himself (although we finally figured out that a fall-safe pillow behind him was a good idea) and he can pick up his passy at will and put it in his mouth. He lunges forward for whatever is in front of him (even Chloe's Island Princess doll!), which occasionally results in a face plant to the ground! He is eating all sorts of fruits and veggies now, and the doctor told us to even start him on Stage 3 meats. Despite eating CONSTANTLY, he's still in the 50% for weight, although we're starting to see some "chunk" on his thighs! He is still the happiest, sweetest baby I've ever seen (except of course when he is hungry!) and he loves his big sister the most. I can't believe that half of his first year is over already...I'm half finished with nursing...and he's half of the way toward another birthday! Here are some new pictures of just how big he is getting...right before our eyes!

I'm a Beautiful Princess!

Here is a picture of Chloe showing off her new princess dress-up outfit from Santa. This was the first time that she had the whole get-up on...since this picture was taken about a week ago she has to put her princess shoes on whenever we are downstairs, and she loves to point her wand at Daddy's head and say "bippity, boppity, boo!". My favorite part is how she puts the shoes on and says so proudly, "I'm a booot-i-ful princess!". I most certainly agree with that!

Friday, January 2, 2009

"Say 'Moo!' Cow!!!"

We had a wonderful New Year's Day with the Harves' clan in Indiana. Despite Chloe's ear infection and Drew's chest congestion (which the doctor confirmed today is just a bad cold, thank goodness!!!), we had a great time visiting with 0ur extended family--Chloe of course made herself right at home with Nicholaus' toys and his GIANT bag of crayons, and she even got to visit the barn...her very first farm adventure! She was a little unsure of riding in Greg's big diesel truck, but the promise of seeing the kittens in the barn was enough to keep her going. She got to sit in the tractor and pet the kitty's....but she just couldn't understand why the cows wouldn't "moo". The wouldn't even do it when she demanded to them---"Say Moo, Cow! Moo!!!" I guess cows just prefer to moo when they darn well please!