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Our boat, version 2011

(Header picture taken at Norris Lake, TN July 2011)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Lake Cumberland July 2010

Yes, that is Chloe on real, big-kid water skis! And yes, that is Chloe crying and screaming at the top of her lungs in protest! She could do it, just not willingly. Our weekend at Lake Cumberland with the Kuenning family was full of all sorts of first--from Chloe skiing to Drew swimming by himself (with the life jacket on, of course) to 12:45am kid bedtimes (oh yes, you read that right) to no naps all weekend long....oh yes, it was a fun/sun/water-filled trip that was so much fun, and so exhausting! I love it that Chloe and Drew have such good friends in Josie, Jack & baby Sam--and I'm so glad that we can make fun memories like this for them to share. Maybe next year we'll be able to get them to bed just a weeee bit earlier, though! :)

Chloe's Best "LeBron James"

The picture pretty much speaks for itself, but this is Chloe's best athletic feat performed to date--a leaping jump off the couch to reach the ribbon on the balloon hanging from the ceiling. Good camera work, Daddy!

Drew's 2nd Birthday

If only there was a way to bottle up the innocent joy and happiness that comes from a 2-year old when the figure out that the party and presents are all for HIM! It took us a few days to get Drew to realize that it was HIS birthday (and not sissy's or Daddy's), and once he got it, he was just the sweetest, happiest kid in the world--not the happiness that comes from getting what he WANTS, but the happiness that comes from just getting something. So adorable, so sweet. How can I make this last?!

July 4th Party

Our neighborhood July 4th party was a lot of fun for us and the kids--we were so surprised that they managed somehow (thank you, Sugar!) to stay up until the fireworks started, and I was shocked that they weren't scared--apparently our neighborhood really knows how to do fireworks right, and they were quite big and quite loud! Their staying-up-late record was soon to become tested, however, because our trip to Cumberland was right around the corner......

Our Trip to Iowa!

So, catching up on some long over-due posts to the blog! Here are some pictures from our trip to Iowa--the kids and Nana and I had a great time visiting Adam and Julie! No one does a craft project like Aunt Julia, and there was some awesome rough-housing as well! It is definitely a toss-up as to who was the most tired--us or the kids!