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Our boat, version 2011

(Header picture taken at Norris Lake, TN July 2011)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

A weekend of wonders...

We just had a feeling that this would be the weekend that Drew starts to crawl...he has been sooo angry and frustrated that he can't get what he wants when he wants it. So just like that, he figured it out tonight and it's like he has been crawling for months! We took this video right before bed, after several hours of coaxing him to crawl, so his patience was a bit tried. Drew also decided this weekend that he no longer will tolerate baby food--in fact, he throws an absolute fit when we try to feed him anything other than the "real stuff" (that is, whatever we are eating). He is a big boy already! And Chloe...well, she might as well be a toddler going on a teenager. I coaxed her into going to the carwash with Daddy so that I could nurse Drew in peace today by bribing her with a sucker...and when Daddy heard her chomping on the sucker instead of licking it, she simply rolled her eyes, sighed heavily and said, "Just drive, Daddy". It's like we can already see what she will be like in 15 years!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Here we go....

Hopefully this fun video of Drew's new favorite activity (rolling into a sitting position) will help to make up for the fact that I haven't blogged in so long! It has been a challenging month with my dad's heart attack and extra travel related to that, in addition to a busy time at work.  So check back soon for my best attempts at making up for lost time!  We are so excited about Drew's new talent, although it comes with its own set of challenges--um, like what we do at bed time when we lay him in his crib and he just rolls into a sitting position and smiles up at us! Uh-oh, we sure are in for it!