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Our boat, version 2011

(Header picture taken at Norris Lake, TN July 2011)

Sunday, January 31, 2010

January Catch Up #2

A few more pictures as part of my January catch up post...we are still cracking up at Drew's latest attachment (he has been going through a phase where he attaches himself to something for a few days and then moves on)....his shoes! He has to carry them around the house everywhere he goes, and he even has to take them to bed with him (which makes us question the cleanliness issue of this attachment, but in the end we gave in to the screaming for "shoes! shoes!") I took the kids to a very humid Krohn's Conservatory yesterday where they had fun running through the cave and throwing pennies in the waterfall--I just wish that Drew could tolerate sitting in the stroller for more than 30 seconds because he is a handful to take anywhere these days!

January Catch Up!

Just catching up on some fun moments from January--I think we were so overloaded with picture taking over the holidays that we really cut back in January, but we did manage to dust off the camera a few times and take a few pics. We couldn't resist Chloe showing off her Hollywood sunglasses in the middle of winter or eating her "snow cake"! I wish we would have had more pictures of Julie & Adam's visit a couple weeks ago....hopefully next time everyone will be a little more healthy! And I almost forgot to document Chloe's first successful trip to the dentist (her first trip 6 months ago didn't go so well--but she was an awesome patient this time around!)