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Our boat, version 2011

(Header picture taken at Norris Lake, TN July 2011)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Decorating Easter Eggs

The kids decorated Easter Eggs in their own unique styles today...Chloe used lots of stickers and a gentle touch....Drew preferred to go a bit more abstract and squeeze the egg until all of the shell broke off! Both approaches were quite beautiful! :)

Chloe's First Sleep Over!

Chloe had her very first sleep over ever at her best friend Josie's house on Saturday night! They had a great time and giggled to each other until about 9:30pm. Chloe even got to stay and have breakfast and go to church--Heather is so amazing! We knew that Chloe seemed tired from her big night out when she got home, but when she excused herself from lunch to go upstairs and take a nap, we knew it was serious! :) Here is the picture of her asleep in her own bed, with dried donut icing from church still on her cheeks!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Fun at the Jerusalem Craft Market

We had fun at a nearby church's Jerusalem Market craft day today--the kids had fun hammering stamps into necklaces and painting pots, and of course eating the bread that they got to roll and shape before it was baked!

Preschool Pictures

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Preschool Pictures

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Reds Outfits

It's hard to say who was more excited about Reds Opening Day this year--I honestly believe that both Chloe and Drew were just as excited as Brian! And when Chloe set her eyes on the new Reds player book, she couldn't wait to make it her new favorite bedtime story! Seriously, I promise I'm not making this up. And yes, she is my daughter!