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Our boat, version 2011

(Header picture taken at Norris Lake, TN July 2011)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day & Brian's Birthday

We celebrated Mother's Day and Brian's birthday in one big afternoon this past weekend--and judging by how well the kids have slept ever since (they were in bed by 7:45 tonight!!), I would say that they had a great time! Drew discovered that his new favorite past-time is lifting his legs up as his tricycle rolls down the hill in the driveway, over the curb and into the street--besides the heart attack that it gives me every time he does it, we all thought it was hilarious to watch him try it over and over!

1 comment:

Colleen Christensen, Photographer said...

Hope Brian had a great bday! Cute family pics! Happy Mother's Day, too! :)