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Our boat, version 2011

(Header picture taken at Norris Lake, TN July 2011)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day & Brian's Birthday

We celebrated Mother's Day and Brian's birthday in one big afternoon this past weekend--and judging by how well the kids have slept ever since (they were in bed by 7:45 tonight!!), I would say that they had a great time! Drew discovered that his new favorite past-time is lifting his legs up as his tricycle rolls down the hill in the driveway, over the curb and into the street--besides the heart attack that it gives me every time he does it, we all thought it was hilarious to watch him try it over and over!

Playground Fun

The kids have a great time at Mama and Papa's every time they go--they love going to the park and playing on the playground. I think it's pretty fun that Drew (at age 2) thinks of new and interesting ways to go down the slide and then shows his big sissy (at age 4) how to do it! Monkey see, monkey do!

Hot Rod Chloe

Quite possibly the highlight from Easter was Chloe taking the wheel of the neighbor's race car--I don't think there was anything more hilarious than watching her go from Miss Timid to Little Miss Danica Patrick!

We had a great time at Easter with Julie & Adam in town and watching the kids go from egg hunt to egg hunt--I lost after Hunt #4....and I finally just got rid of the last of the candy!

Reds Fever!

We've been having a lot of fun with getting the kids excited about the Reds this year--Brian took Chloe to her first "real" baseball game where they sat in the stands, ate peanuts and Dip'nDots and watched Joey Votto--Chloe's self-proclaimed favorite player!!