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Our boat, version 2011

(Header picture taken at Norris Lake, TN July 2011)

Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas with the Harves' Family!

There are just too many pictures to choose from to document all the Christmas fun at our house this year...but here are a few of our favorites! From putting the finishing touches (ie. their "handprints") on the gifts that Chloe & Drew made for everyone, to having lots of fun on Christmas Eve listening to Great-Grandpa and Grandpa Creech play music, to opening all the fun gifts from Santa, this certainly was a Christmas that we will never forget. I don't think that Brian and I have ever quite experienced the true magic of the season until we saw it for the first time in Chloe's eyes--the wonder and excitement that she felt was enough for all of us!

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