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Our boat, version 2011

(Header picture taken at Norris Lake, TN July 2011)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

"He Wants Me"

We're not 100% sure, but the past few days Drew has been showing the symptoms of getting his first tooth--fussiness, waking up at night, drooling, really stinky diapers, etc.--so needless to say it has been a rough few days for all of us. After a very fussy afternoon today we went for a jog in the stroller which usually puts Drew right to sleep, but of course not today. After stopping to put his passy in or comfort him for what seemed like 100 times, Chloe looked at me said, "It's OK, Mommy. He wants me." And then she held his hand until he fell asleep. It was honestly the most touching moment I've witnessed since Drew was born--I don't know if it was the selflessness of her act (because you see, she had to give up her thumb hand to hold his hand), or the fact that she wanted to help me out because I was so frustrated...but either way, it was one of those moments when you forget about the crying, the lack of sleep, and all the frustration, and you think to yourself....this is worth it.

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