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Our boat, version 2011

(Header picture taken at Norris Lake, TN July 2011)

Monday, October 19, 2009

October pics

Here are some sort-of random fall pics:

Chloe got a giant lollipop from her good friend Miss Sarah,

...showing off her medal from soccer,

Drew is showing off his new haircut,

Chloe's last soccer game,

and a good pic of the stitches on Drew's nose (bruise on forehead is from an unrelated incident). Oh yes, he is keeping us on our toes, quite literally!

Drew's First Haircut

(before haircut)

As you can tell from the "helmet" that his hair had quite literally become on his head, it was clearly time for Drew to get his haircut. Brian bravely volunteered to do the duties, and off they went! The whole experience was a total invasion of personal space for poor Drew, and just like Chloe, he hated the cape covering his hands, but we all love the result! I think he looks 6 months older--an instant "big boy"!