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Our boat, version 2011

(Header picture taken at Norris Lake, TN July 2011)

Monday, November 17, 2008

We had a great time this weekend in Columbus for Matt & Mamta's wedding--and Chloe had a wonderful time with Mama and Papa. She was so excited to go to their house she could barely stand it, and as soon as they came to pick her up she was tugging at their shirts saying, "I'm ready to go, I'm all packed!" We took Drew with us to the wedding and he definitely exceeded our expectations for the night--he even fell asleep in Brian's arms during the reception. But when we put him in his car seat to sleep while we went dancing, we came back to find he had pulled his blanket all the way over his head (see first picture!) as if to tell us that it was a little too loud! Of course, that is the way we feel sometimes when both he and his sister are squealing at the top of their lungs! Our luck ran out a bit on our way home from Columbus because our car had a dead battery and we had quite an adventure to finally make it home with both kids in tow...at the end of the day we need to pay back at least 2 good samaritans and we definitely got a good lesson in patience!! (What a great first dance song, Matt & Mamta)!

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