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Our boat, version 2011

(Header picture taken at Norris Lake, TN July 2011)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Fall Fun

Chloe helped Brian and I rake the leaves in the yard this weekend, and we were having so much fun that I almost didn't get any pictures before Chloe had reached her limit and needed to come inside. Her new que that she is getting tired is that she tells us "my eyes hurt". So I knew I only had a few photo minutes left when I took these pictures. And unfortunately poor Baby Drew missed the whole thing because he was taking a gigantic 3 hour nap! (Could it finally be that elusive tooth finally coming through that is making him sooooo fussy??) We finished up the day with some quiet coloring activities, and it made my day to see Daddy coloring princesses along side Chloe. Of course, Daddy didn't quite understand why Cinderella simply MUST have a pink face...but he went along with it just the same. (Here's a hint to all of Santa's helpers--Chloe is in love with ANY Disney princess!)

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