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Our boat, version 2011

(Header picture taken at Norris Lake, TN July 2011)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Norris Lake Pictures

Here are some pictures from our trip to Norris Lake--it was such a fun and relaxing week! Chloe had a great time on her skiis, despite all her protests! We never actually got her to jump in the water from the dock or the boat, but the fact that she had fun on her skiis was worth all the effort in trying to convince her! Poor Drew was working on a tooth all week, but it finally paid off as it broke through on the last day...and he was so happy to get home on dry land that he took his first steps when we got home! We had a great time with Tom and Cheryl and Julie and Adam...definitely could not have had such a fun trip without them all!

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