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Our boat, version 2011

(Header picture taken at Norris Lake, TN July 2011)

Friday, July 17, 2009

Drew's First Birthday

Drew's first birthday party over the weekend was such fun! The Harves' clan from Indiana joined our usual cast of characters and made the day super special--Chloe was in heaven because there were so many people she could show off to, and Drew was in heaven because he could walk from person to person, eating food off their plate. Oh yeah, Chloe was also in heaven because she could take her piggy bank around to person after person and ask for spare change! (We're so proud!) You can see that Drew enjoyed his cake--the chocolate icing was absolutely everywhere, but it was totally worth it! It is so bittersweet that our baby is now 1 and not really a baby anymore...it was sort of surreal for me as we were singing to him and watching him dive into his birthday cake--as excited as I was for him to be reaching such a milestone, I was sad to see my baby get so big!

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