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Our boat, version 2011

(Header picture taken at Norris Lake, TN July 2011)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Daddy Days

Our babysitter's annual vacation began literally 3 days after I started back to work (how's that for timing!!) so Daddy stepped up and took some time off to stay home with the kids. It actually made the transition into full-time daycare a little easier for Baby Drew I think, and I know that the kids have loved all their Daddy time!! They had a special lunch with Gramps, trips to the park, and even a successful "number 2" on the potty for Chloe (I have to hand it to Brian...he waited in the bathroom with her for 20 minutes until she did it, but the wait paid off!). Each day Drew is able to do more and more things, and we are reliving the "fun baby days" (what we call months 3-9) all over again. Here are some pictures of Daddy with Baby Drew and Baby Drew taking his first ride in Chloe's swing in the backyard. Of course we loved every minute when Chloe was a baby, but now that we realize just how fast those days pass, I think that makes us cherish it even more with Drew. And although he'd never admit it, I think Brian is a bit worn out from his time at home, and may even be looking forward (gasp!) to going back to the office!