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Our boat, version 2011

(Header picture taken at Norris Lake, TN July 2011)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Painted Pumpkins!

Here is a picture of Chloe showing off her "little" pumpkin and Drew's "baby" pumpkin that she painted the other night. As excited as she was to go and pick out the pumpkins, she was even MORE excited to paint them! I was amazed at how much fun she had doing it. I think what made her enjoy it more was that she did it completely by herself, which is her latest thing. She has to do everything for herself. We're finding that it's much harder sometimes to let her try things on her own verses stepping in to help, especially when it comes to messy things! But that's why I set her up outside, with lots of paper towels and newspapers, and before Daddy got home! :) And the fact that I needed to nurse Drew right when she got started pretty much ensured that she had free reign! I personally think the pumpkins are true works of art...don't you?!

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