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Our boat, version 2011

(Header picture taken at Norris Lake, TN July 2011)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

More Fall Fun

Here are a few more pics of the kids from October. Drew has developed a complete fascination for doing anything, and everything, that Chloe does. So it's no surprise to us that he loves to sit at her easel and color---if only we could convince him that crayons are for PAPER and not his mouth, the walls, the carpet, etc.! We're not quite sure how they both sat so good next to each other with their Bengals gear on--this may just be our Christmas picture for the year I think! Most of the time Chloe just tries to get away from Drew--in the last picture she was enjoying some time on her "puter" away from Drew. Ahhh, let's hope this is just a phase!

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