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Our boat, version 2011

(Header picture taken at Norris Lake, TN July 2011)

Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Take Two

Here are some more pictures...this time from Christmas Day. Having a 2-year old in the house is a constant source of entertainment on any given day, and Christmas was no exception--we absolutely never knew what Chloe was going to say next! I think her favorite gift was her special (ie. fake) set of makeup and nail polish that she can use in mommy's bathroom instead of getting into mine all the time (good job, Santa!), and the best part was how she went over to the fireplace, where Santa had left her a thank you note for the cookies, to check her "list" to make sure it was on there! I guess I had said that the makeup kit was on her list to Santa and so she thought that Santa had left the list behind on the hearth....anyway, she had to check her list after every other gift to make sure it was on there! Thankfully, they all were....you know that Santa, he remembers everything! :)

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