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Our boat, version 2011
(Header picture taken at Norris Lake, TN July 2011)
(Header picture taken at Norris Lake, TN July 2011)
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Ready for Cereal!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
A rare moment....
We caught a rare moment on camera today--Chloe was actually willing to smile for the camera and even hold Baby Drew.....for all of about 5 seconds. Luckily we were able to quickly take this picture before the moment was gone. As soon as we took the picture Chloe told me to get "it" off of her (meaning Baby Drew, of course), and as soon as I picked him up, he spit up all over me. That in turn sent Chloe into laughing hysterics, almost as if she knew she were setting me up!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
"He Wants Me"
We're not 100% sure, but the past few days Drew has been showing the symptoms of getting his first tooth--fussiness, waking up at night, drooling, really stinky diapers, etc.--so needless to say it has been a rough few days for all of us. After a very fussy afternoon today we went for a jog in the stroller which usually puts Drew right to sleep, but of course not today. After stopping to put his passy in or comfort him for what seemed like 100 times, Chloe looked at me said, "It's OK, Mommy. He wants me." And then she held his hand until he fell asleep. It was honestly the most touching moment I've witnessed since Drew was born--I don't know if it was the selflessness of her act (because you see, she had to give up her thumb hand to hold his hand), or the fact that she wanted to help me out because I was so frustrated...but either way, it was one of those moments when you forget about the crying, the lack of sleep, and all the frustration, and you think to yourself....this is worth it.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Painted Pumpkins!
Here is a picture of Chloe showing off her "little" pumpkin and Drew's "baby" pumpkin that she painted the other night. As excited as she was to go and pick out the pumpkins, she was even MORE excited to paint them! I was amazed at how much fun she had doing it. I think what made her enjoy it more was that she did it completely by herself, which is her latest thing. She has to do everything for herself. We're finding that it's much harder sometimes to let her try things on her own verses stepping in to help, especially when it comes to messy things! But that's why I set her up outside, with lots of paper towels and newspapers, and before Daddy got home! :) And the fact that I needed to nurse Drew right when she got started pretty much ensured that she had free reign! I personally think the pumpkins are true works of art...don't you?!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Daddy Days
Our babysitter's annual vacation began literally 3 days after I started back to work (how's that for timing!!) so Daddy stepped up and took some time off to stay home with the kids. It actually made the transition into full-time daycare a little easier for Baby Drew I think, and I know that the kids have loved all their Daddy time!! They had a special lunch with Gramps, trips to the park, and even a successful "number 2" on the potty for Chloe (I have to hand it to Brian...he waited in the bathroom with her for 20 minutes until she did it, but the wait paid off!). Each day Drew is able to do more and more things, and we are reliving the "fun baby days" (what we call months 3-9) all over again. Here are some pictures of Daddy with Baby Drew and Baby Drew taking his first ride in Chloe's swing in the backyard. Of course we loved every minute when Chloe was a baby, but now that we realize just how fast those days pass, I think that makes us cherish it even more with Drew. And although he'd never admit it, I think Brian is a bit worn out from his time at home, and may even be looking forward (gasp!) to going back to the office!
Pumpkin Patch!
We took Chloe and Drew to the "pumpkin patch" over the weekend--we couldn't believe how excited Chloe was when we told her about it. She talked about it all week long until it was time to go. Little did she realize that we were just going to a big farm that had a bunch of pumpkins to choose from, not the actual pumpkin patch (maybe we'll do that next year when we are a little more brave!). In any case, she was thrilled to pick out her own pumpkin. She even picked out a baby pumpkin for Baby Drew. We're going to decorate them later this week so stay tuned for pictures of Chloe's artwork!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Drew's Baptism

Here are some pictures from Drew's baptism this past Sunday! Drew did very well at church (minus a small crying outburst right before the ceremony!) and during the baptism....he even smiled at the priest when he was giving us instructions. Chloe is now a huge fan of going to church because she got a sucker during mass (my way to bribe her into being quiet!). Every morning since the baptism she says, "we're going to church today! get sucker!". I guess that's what happens when you break out the special treat--we'll never be able to go to church without suckers again! After the baptism we had a really nice afternoon back at our house with family--thanks to everyone who was able to make it, especially Julie & Adam! Drew is lucky to have such wonderful God-parents. And for those of you interested in seeing how much Drew looks like Chloe at his age, the first picture is of Chloe on her baptism. (I wanted to make it the last picture but I'm not skilled enough yet at this blog thing to get it in the right position!) I suppose it helps that they were both wearing the same gown!.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Zoo Visit
We took the kids to the zoo this afternoon along with Julie & Adam, who are in town for the weekend from Iowa for Drew's baptism tomorrow. We had a great time seeing all the animals, or at least as many as we could fit in before the zoo closed. I think Chloe's favorite were the elephants (as you can tell by the very serious look on her face in one of the pictures as she was watching an elephant walk towards her!), but if you ask her she says that the lions were her favorite...probably because they were the farthest away from her I'm guessing! We had a great day with Julie & Adam and I know Chloe & Drew did too!
Friday, October 3, 2008
The Final Countdown
This is my last week at home with Baby Drew before I go back to work, and so I've been doing my best to make every last minute count. It's truly amazing how fast the time has gone by, especially now that we're starting to really figure each other out and have a lot of fun. It is incredible to look back at how far we've come in just 12 short weeks! Drew is over 12 pounds now, sleeps through the night, and has the most amazing baby smile (it's just like his Daddy's in case you can't tell!). Of course it will be hard to go back next week, but we'll make the most of it and keep this crazy family circus going!
Painting Project Complete!
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