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Our boat, version 2011

(Header picture taken at Norris Lake, TN July 2011)

Friday, August 29, 2008

Chloe's Potty Training Begins!

We actually bought this potty for Chloe months ago and starting putting her on it whenever she showed some interest. But eventually she started telling us "no" every time we asked if she wanted to sit on it. After a week on vacation and changing "real person" sized diapers all week, we decided that we needed to try harder with her. So, we started sitting her on the potty every 15 minutes last Saturday morning and telling her that she could have a chocolate chip if shee peed. To our surprise she actually started peeing in it! (And she makes sure she collects her prize!) We bought her some "big girl panties" that she wears around the house now, and pull-ups for Nancy's house. She is doing a really good job of peeing whenever we put her on the potty, and we have stretched out the every 15-minute potty break time as well. We haven't yet tackled pooping on the potty or getting her to actually tell us when she needs to go, but we're happy with her progress so far. And she thinks it's pretty cool that she can read on the potty just like Daddy!

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